Saturday 28 September 2013

Yonex-Sunrise Indonesia Grand Prix Gold 2013

Even though I like riding bicycle, I’m not into sport. In fact, watashi wa supotsu ga zenzen wakarimasen. I don’t understand sport at all. Yet my friend, Ririn is very fond of sport. One day, she asked me to accompany her watching badminton championship in Amongraga.

It was my first time ever watching a badminton championship. Here are some photos:

In Amongraga court, I like to watch the supporters’ expression. They were so excited watching their favorite athlete playing. The supporters were calling out their names, cheering them. It's very funny. Haha.

Ririn : Whooa! Look! There’s <insert name>!! I can’t believe finally I’m able to meet him/her.
Me: Wow~
Ririn: You know what, he won <insert achievement> in <insert name> Championship!!
Me: E? Hontou?
Ririn: Yesss
Me: Sugoi~
Ririn: Take a look at him. He is so handsome!
Me: Yes, I can’t agree more *nod* *nod* (the fact was I couldn’t see his face because he’s too far away)

Well, I’m sorry for not being a good friend when it comes to sport. But I did enjoy the match. The new environment. It’s good to enter different “world” sometimes. Today is the grand final of GP Gold, I hope our athletes can win all the match. Do your best! Viva Indonesian athlete!

Side story:
Thusday , she watched the match again (without me).
Friday, she asked me,
Ririn: Pi, let’s watch the match again today! This time, I’ll pay for your ticket deh.
Me: Ogah.
-she watched the game for three days in a row-


  1. upi, I wanna follow your blog but I don't know how to follow :(

    1. Just type my domain on your dashbord lin :)
      Btw, i am following your blog :D

  2. Ririn : Whooa! Look! There’s =Ahsan and Hendra=!! I can’t believe finally I’m able to meet him/her =Them=.
    Me: Wow~
    Ririn: You know what, he won =gold medal= in =Malaysia Open, Indonesia Open, Japan open, and World Badminton= Championship!!

    1. Harusnya kamu ikut nonton. Feedback-ku cuman "oh begitu", "keren", "wow", dst. Hahaha :p Buta banget sama dunia olahraga~
